Whats New?
Auto Analysis, Real Time Charts, Auto Buy and Sell Signals with Screener, Market View and Real-Time Push Notification on Mobile
Trade Hunt is a ready Made Analysis charting tool with Real Time Charts with Streaming Quotes and Auto Analysis of any Stock of your Choice..!!.
Most powerful charting application for traders with Customized Market Watch, Chart, Screener and Trade Alerts based on advanced algorithm.
Key Features
* Streaming Quotes with tick updates
* Fast, Reliable And Accurate Streaming Charts
* Feed Latency : 10 ms
* Server Uptime : 99.95%
* Available Instruments : 50000+ (NSE Cash, Futures, Index Options, Stock Options and MCX Futures)
* Real Time Scanning for Market Direction and Signal for trading
* Artificial Intelligence to identify the wrong Signals
* Real Time Trade Notifications on Mobile
Best reasons for you to use our "Trade Hunt" Mobile Application
* Trade Hunt Mobile App is in-built with most unique trade algorithm for Signal generation.
* Doesn't required experience of stock market to use our ready made trade application.
* Doesn't required previous experience of Analyzing stock moment.
* Doesn't required knowledge about analysis. It will be done by Application by default.
* Follow the Trade instructions given by Applications with Pre-Defined Trade Logic which is very much Unique in the market.
* Its most useful for any traders to take the Right Decision @ Right Price
ALERT System released now..!!
Just set Alert for your favorite Stocks, Index Futures, Stock Futures or Commodity Future and get trade alert on your mobile on Real-Time...!!..??.
Henceforth, you will not be missed out any trade or you may not depending on any person / advisory company for trading.
You will be tracked on each Stock in Real-Time which you opted for Trade Alert and all these things will be managed by our dedicated Automated Server..!!
Now our dedicated Server will work for you and gives a trade notification on mobile.
Finally we gave a solution for traders who doesn't have time to track the Real-Time Market.
How to get Trade Alert on mobile ?
Just follow very simple steps to get Alerts on your mobile.
1. Add a Stock of your choice on Market watch
2. Click on a Bell Button and select Time Interval which you regularly follows for trading.
3. Select Signal Alert or Trend Alert or Both.
4. You will be notified by Push Notification from our dedicated server, whenever new Signal / Trend Changed for the stock which you opted for Automated Alert.
Just RELAX - Our Server will work for you and notified you as soon as new signal generated or Trend changed for the stock you are following for trading.
Who We Are?
Trade Hunt Technologies Pvt Ltd (Trade Hunt) is a India based professional Technology providing Technical Analysis Charting tool with predefined algorithm on Android Mobile to stock market traders to help them to take correct trading decisions.
What We Do?
Trade Hunt is associated with group of PRO Traders who are well experienced in stock market since few decades. Trade Hunt is continually developing and monitoring different types of algorithm to compute and analyze of any stock movement for active traders, swing traders and investors too. And also Trade Hunt commits to deliver the best of best trading solutions for fresher’s and experienced traders too.
Coming Soon Features :
Coming out with some more great features very soon..!!..?? - Keep in touch with us.